Sister Kenny and Polio in Czechoslovakia

We have found an interesting article for you from the history of Janské Lázně and the treatment of polio.

“After the end of the war, Janské Lázně has received a worldwide response to the success of polio treatment . The Marshal Plan is to build a new spa complex. After the events of February 1948 , however, for political reasons this does not happen, although some excavation works have already begun. During this period, some hotels and boarding houses changed into a trade union convalescent home , where a large number of workers were recruited annually. The former village of Černá Hora and Janské Lázně were merged.”

You can find the article here:

Zveme Vás na zahájení lázeňské sezóny, které se koná v sobotu 1. 6. 2024.

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